

Peters, Benjamin. How Not to Network a Nation: The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet. The MIT Press, April 2016.
Translations currently under discussion in German, Mandarin, and Russian.
Excerpted in 20th-anniversary issue of First Monday.
Featured in Aeon (translated into Russian at Inosmi.ru).
Reviewed by Michael Gordin in Nature, by Eden Medina in Public Books, by Loren Graham in IEEE Keywords, by Alexander Voiskounsky in Russian Journal of Communication, by John Gilbey in Times Higher Education, by David Strom on his Web Informant, by Ben Rothke in RSA, by Dominic Lenton in Engineering & Technology
Interviewed by Kerri Smith on Nature Podcast, Carla Nappi on New Books Network, Sean
Guillory on Sean’s Russia blog, David Levine on Hearsay Culture (transcript), on WOSU
radio All Sides with Ann Fisher, on KWGS radio Tulsa Studio with Rich Fisher, and on CaMP Anthropology and the MIT Press blog.
Covered in BBCFreakonomicsGizmodoThe AtlanticWired (by Bruce Sterling), The Calvert JournalTelepolis (in German), Bergamo Post (in Italian), Nexo (in Portugese), Rossiskaya gazetaInoSMI, and Nasha Gazeta (in Russian), El Diario (in Spanish), Svenska Dagbladet (in Swedish), and Blurbed at Margin RevolutionHacker NewsSurvival, etc.
on Nature’s “Top 20 Books of 2016

Peters, Benjamin, ed. Digital Keywords: A Vocabulary of Information Society and Culture. Princeton University Press, June 2016.
Excerpted (introduction, ToCalgorithm, analog, culture, digitalhackerparticipation,
555 Questions to make
Digital Keywords Harder) at Culture Digitally.
Reviewed in Engineering & Technology.
Interviewed on the Princeton UP blog.
Covered in NYU’s The Gov Lab.

Articles & Other Peer-Reviewed Works

(Forthcoming) “Norbert Wiener” The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (ed. Klaus Bruhn Jensen)

Peters, John Durham and Benjamin Peters. (2017) “Norbert Wiener as a PragmatistEmpedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication, 7: 2, 157-172.

John, Nicholas and Benjamin Peters. (2016) “Why privacy keeps dying: The trouble with talk about the end of privacy,” Information Communication and Society.

Benjamin Peters and John Durham Peters. (2016) “Master and Disciple: Communication.” As Iron Sharpens Iron: Listening to the Various Voices of Scripture, ed. Julie M. Smith. Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2016. 173-7.

Geoghegan, Bernard and Benjamin Peters. (2014) “Cybernetics” in The John Hopkins Guide to Digital Media. Marie-Laure Ryan, et. al., eds. John Hopkins UP: Baltimore, 109-112; also (2016) “Cybernetics” The International Encyclopedia of Communication Theory and Philosophy (ed. Klaus Bruhn Jensen).

Peters, Benjamin. (2013) “Toward a Genealogy of a Cold War Communication Science: the Strange Loops of Leo and Norbert Wiener.” The Russian Journal of Communication. 5: 1, 31–43. (Also available here.)

Peters, Benjamin and Rasmus Kleis Nielsen. (2013) “New Media,” Handbook of Communication History, Peter Simonson, et. al., eds. Routledge. (Also available here.)

Peters, Benjamin. (2012) “Normalizing Soviet Cybernetics” Information & Culture. 47:2, 145-175.

Peters, Benjamin and Deborah Lubken. (2011) “New Media in Crises: Discursive Instability and Emergency Communication.” The Long History of New Media. Peter Lang.

Peters, Benjamin. (2009) “And Lead Us Not into Thinking the New is New: A Bibliographic Case for New Media History,” New Media & Society, 11:1/2, 13-30.

Peters, Benjamin. (2008) “Betrothal and Betrayal: The Soviet Translation of Norbert Wiener’s Early Cybernetics,” International Journal of Communications, 2:1, 66-80.

Peters, Benjamin. (2008) “The Search Engine Democracy: Metaphors and Muhammad,” in The Power of Search Engines /Die Macht der Such-maschinen, edited by Marcel Machill and Markus Beiler, (Leipzig, Germany: Herman von Halem), 228-242.

Peters, Benjamin. (2007) “The Cybernetics of Nabokov’s ‘Beneficence,’” Ulbandus: The Slavic Review of Columbia University, ed. by Marijeta Bozovic, 173-190.


Peters, Benjamin. (2015) “Review of Ronald Kline’s The Cybernetics Moment, or Why We Call Our Age the Information Age.” In Information & Culture. August 2015, 1-2.

Peters, Benjamin. (2014) “Russia’s Competition, Times Two: A Review of Loren Graham’s Lonely Ideas: Can Russia Compete?” In Metascience. June 2014, 1-3.

Peters, Benjamin and John Durham Peters. (2014) Matter Made Graciously Present: a Review of Adam Miller’s Speculative Grace: Bruno Latour and Object-Oriented Theology. In Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. Vol. 46: No 4, Winter 2013, 190-197.

Peters, Benjamin and Abraham Gong. (2013) “Two Myths of Network Text Analysis: A Critical Response to Paranyushkin.” In The Russian Journal of Communication, 5:3, 288-292.

Peters, Benjamin. (2012) Review of Marshall Poe’s A History of Communications: Media and Society from the Evolution of Speech to the InternetIn New Media & Society, 14:2, 356-359.

Peters, Benjamin. (2008) Review of Turizm: The Russian and East European Tourist Under Capitalism and Socialism in Russian Journal of Communication, 1: 2, 235-237.

Peters, Benjamin. (2007) Review of Thinking with James Carey: Essays on Communication, Transportation, History in Journal of Communication Inquiry, Sage, 366-370.

Working Drafts & Other Writing

(In preparation) Peters, Benjamin. “In Defense of Black Boxes: A Critical Revision of the Concept”

(In preparation) Bossewitch, Jonah and Benjamin Peters. “Versioning Dissonance”

(In revision) Peters, Benjamin. “The Missing Medium: Rereading Revelation as Interruption.” The Salt Press, forthcoming Winter 2016.

Peters, Benjamin. (2016) “How the Soviets invented the internet and why it didn’t work” featured at Aeon.co.

Peters, Benjamin. (2015) “9.5 Theses toward Internet Reformation: An Anti-Manifesto” at Medium.com.

Peters, Benjamin. (2014) “How to Write a Book Review: The Gordin Method” at Vitae (a service of the Chronicle of Higher Education).

Peters, Benjamin. (2013) “The Martial Art of Argument” and (with Jon Henshaw) “Feedback” in A Life of Inquiry: 31 Invitations from Faculty Members at the University of Tulsa. Tulsa: U of Tulsa Press.


Peters, Benjamin. (2010.) “From Cybernetics to Cyber Networks: Norbert Wiener, the Soviet Internet, and the Cold War Dawn of Information Universalism.” Dissertation. New York, Columbia University. (Abstract: Available in full upon request.)